22 listings found. Showing results 1 to 20.
fumanchu54 (9 )
United States, Oregon
fumanchu54 (9 )
United States, Oregon
3 days, 0h 49m
beersbie1776 (91 )
United States, Iowa
25 days, 12h 5m
Julius (18581 )
United States, Massachusetts

'21 Devil's Heart of Gold - Perennial Artisan Ales

Wheatwine Aged in whiskey barrels

40 days, 2h 58m
Joeshmo (14 )
United States, Missouri

SP - Double Barrel Anabasis

375mL of Double-Barrel Barleywine

3 days, 0h 48m
beersbie1776 (91 )
United States, Iowa

Monkish - Barrel-Aged Little Twin Stars 2024

Aged in Buffalo Trace and Willett bourbon barrels between 40 and 48 months and conditioned on loads of coconut and cacao nibs (Ghana) 15.5% ABV

3 days, 2h 5m
Hyperlight381 (1 )
United States, California

TG - Aurora

22oz of Adjunct-Free BA Imp Stout

3 days, 0h 47m
beersbie1776 (91 )
United States, Iowa

Toppling Goliath - Meteora

22oz of TG's first BA Barleywine!

3 days, 0h 48m
beersbie1776 (91 )
United States, Iowa

BBA Mega Devil's Teeth: Coconut Nola Coffee Edition

BBA Imperial Stout w/Vanilla, Almonds, Coconut & Coffee

85 days, 4h 8m
HopTrader (821 )
United States, California

SR-71 2018 (Relabeled as Classified)

12oz of TG's Adjunct-Free Whale!

17 days, 15h 50m
beersbie1776 (91 )
United States, Iowa
11 days, 0h 13m
SlinginBeer (336 )
United States, Michigan

Modern Times: Chaos Grid Schmernheim Durum'd Wheated

BBA Blended Imperial Stout aged in Wheated Whiskey Barrels

290 days, 2h 45m
HopTrader (821 )
United States, California
13 days, 12h 34m
SlinginBeer (336 )
United States, Michigan
12 days, 0h 13m
SlinginBeer (336 )
United States, Michigan
11 days, 0h 13m
SlinginBeer (336 )
United States, Michigan
11 days, 0h 13m
SlinginBeer (336 )
United States, Michigan
23 days, 14h 5m
Buy-Beer-Online (45 )
United States, Florida

Oddside Ales Sweet Potato Souffle Rye Ale 2016, 12 oz bottle

Rye ale with sweet potatoes, cinnamon, nutmeg and lactose, aged in rye whiskey barrels.

3 days, 9h 49m
Buy-Beer-Online (45 )
United States, Florida

Loowit Truman's Goddamn 2016, 22 oz Bottle

Whiskey Barrel Aged Stock Ale, 10% ABV

20 days, 12h 29m
Buy-Beer-Online (45 )
United States, Florida