18 listings found. Showing results 1 to 18.
10h 15m
Craftconnect (3323 )
United States, New York
0 bids
5 days, 22h 2m
bestbeerhere (379 )
United States, Illinois

Oddside Ales Sweet Potato Souffle Rye Ale 2016, 12 oz bottle

Rye ale with sweet potatoes, cinnamon, nutmeg and lactose, aged in rye whiskey barrels.

27 days, 23h 46m
Buy-Beer-Online (45 )
United States, Florida

Monkish - Barrel-Aged Little Twin Stars 2024

Aged in Buffalo Trace and Willett bourbon barrels between 40 and 48 months and conditioned on loads of coconut and cacao nibs (Ghana) 15.5% ABV

27 days, 14h 13m
Hyperlight381 (1 )
United States, California
20 days, 0h 13m
Julius (18591 )
United States, Massachusetts
18 days, 2h 12m
Buy-Beer-Online (45 )
United States, Florida

Modern Times: Chaos Grid Schmernheim Durum'd Wheated

BBA Blended Imperial Stout aged in Wheated Whiskey Barrels

284 days, 14h 52m
HopTrader (821 )
United States, California

Loowit Truman's Goddamn 2016, 22 oz Bottle

Whiskey Barrel Aged Stock Ale, 10% ABV

15 days, 0h 36m
Buy-Beer-Online (45 )
United States, Florida

SR-71 2018 (Relabeled as Classified)

12oz of TG's Adjunct-Free Whale!

12 days, 3h 57m
beersbie1776 (91 )
United States, Iowa
8 days, 0h 42m
SlinginBeer (336 )
United States, Michigan
6 days, 12h 21m
SlinginBeer (336 )
United States, Michigan
5 days, 12h 20m
SlinginBeer (336 )
United States, Michigan
5 days, 12h 20m
SlinginBeer (336 )
United States, Michigan
5 days, 12h 20m
SlinginBeer (336 )
United States, Michigan

BBA Mega Devil's Teeth: Coconut Nola Coffee Edition

BBA Imperial Stout w/Vanilla, Almonds, Coconut & Coffee

79 days, 16h 16m
HopTrader (821 )
United States, California

'21 Devil's Heart of Gold - Perennial Artisan Ales

Wheatwine Aged in whiskey barrels

34 days, 15h 5m
Joeshmo (14 )
United States, Missouri
fumanchu54 (9 )
United States, Oregon
fumanchu54 (9 )
United States, Oregon